Notes for the Zoom app reviewer

Clovers is an interview intelligence platform for B2B recruiting teams and hiring managers. It uses human and conversational intelligence to accelerate hiring, uncover bias, and build dream teams. It records, transcribes, and analyzes all interview calls so you can craft the art of the interview and put the right people in the right roles across your business.

The goal of this Zoom Application is to allow Clovers users a speedy setup of Zoom Cloud recording capabilities allowing it to seamlessly integrate both platforms. 

First please read the provided documentation here.


Clovers is designed to seamlessly integrate with the tools that recruiters are already using, including connecting and reading recruiters’ calendars and recording Zoom meetings that Clovers has determined are interviews via clues derived from calendar invites where those meeting links have been included. Clovers selectively ONLY records meetings that are interviews - and so this means that a few things have to be true in order for the Clovers ← → Zoom integration to be setup and work successfully:

  1. A Clovers user that is both a Clovers admin and a Zoom account admin has to connect Clovers to Zoom’s recording cloud API.

  2. A Clovers user needs to be successfully integrated with Google Calendar or Microsoft Teams

  3. A Clovers user needs to have at least one interview event on their calendar today that is correctly configured for Clovers to determine that it is an interview.  The easiest way to achieve this is to have the word “Interview” somewhere in the body of or subject line of the event.

  4. A Clovers user needs to integrate their calendar instance with Zoom and add a Zoom link to the detected interview event.

  5. A Clovers user needs to enter the meeting that is associated with the calendar event at the time the event is slated to start (give or take a few minutes).

In the account that we have provided to the Zoom app reviewer team, a few things have already been done:


  1. The Clovers account has already been connected to Google Calendar

  2. There have already been a number of ‘test’ interview events added to the Calendar, though depending on exactly when this test takes place - you may need to add more.

The Zoom App reviewer should access platform by using the provided credentials.

These credentials are for Clovers admin user, which is required to complete the installation process of the Zoom Application. 

Once inside please follow these instructions: 

  1. Go to

  2. In there you'll see Zoom listed as a provider.

  3. Click on the "Connect" button and follow the Zoom's installation process. Since Clovers integration with Zoom assumes account-level access, the Zoom app tester will need to connect to a Zoom admin account in order for the installation to be successful.

  4. Upon successful installation you will be redirected to and see that the Zoom provider is listed as connected and the name of the user's account who performed the connection. 


This process establishes the link between Zoom and


In order to test the interaction please follow these instructions: 

  1. While logged into the credentials that we have provided, connect your Google Calendar to Zoom using the same credentials that you used to connect to Clovers.

  2. Find the dummy interview event that we have already added to your calendar instance and add a Zoom meeting link to the event.  If there are no dummy interview instances, please add one by creating an event and adding the subject “Interview with Zoom.”

  3. Go to your dashboard here, and double check your recently created meeting is listed on the right hand side of the screen and has been checked to record. 

  4. At this point in time, takes control and uses the Clovers Recorder Zoom Application to ensure the meeting is properly set up for Cloud Recording. 

  5. When the meeting time comes please join the meeting and have a normal interaction either alone or joined by others. 

  6. After the meeting ends, Clovers will fetch the meeting from Zoom and add it to your Clovers instance. This is subject to the overall length of time it takes Zoom to process the Cloud recording, so please give it at least the same amount of time you were in the meeting. 

  7. Once Zoom has finished processing the event and has sent Clovers the webhook notification, you should be able to see the meeting Clovers and watch it. 

  8. This completes a successful test of the Zoom Cloud Recording API integration.